Mental Mastery Mondays | Life Purpose, Productivity, And Self-discipline

It Isn't Talent Alone That Determines Success - Ep. 142



As I mention in the intro, this show focuses on something I like to call “success for failures.”  The only thing is… most of us who have been made to feel like failures have so because we haven’t been able to do well on the "Grit Test." The Grit Test The Grit Test was developed by Harvard Research Angela Duckworth. She went over decades of data on what brought people to greatness in life and she came up with two major factors: People who didn’t change course just because they wanted a change. Something new. People who didn’t change course just because the current one become difficult. Maybe that’s you. As you can see, at the core of what she looked at was the ability to stick to the course you’re one. Basically … GRIT. Making it to the finish line…  G-R-I-T Predicts Success More Than S-A-T Angela Duckworth took her study of grit to Penn State She tested incoming students and found the ones with a high grit score but a low entrance exam, ended up having a higher GPA than those with a lower Grit score but highe