Our Common Ground With Janice Graham

OCG Witness On the Bridge ::: "In Conversation with Dr. Ruby N. Sales"



OUR COMMON GROUND with Janice Graham "In Conversation with Dr. Ruby N. Sales" Founder, The Spirit House Project  Listen & Call-In Line: (347) 838-9852 :: What Southern Past tells us about the rise of white Supremacy :: Weapons of Southern Resistance Living :: There is NO Black Generational Divide :: Black Denial, Apathy and Confusion “White supremacy is a deep socio-spiritual scab that reeks with the stench of antisemitism, oozes the pus of Islamophobia, and festers beneath the hard crust of Christofascism, heterosexism, classism, and sexism .” - Dr. Ruby N. Sales, Director, The Spirit House Project  Listen and Call-In Line: (347) 838-9852 Visit us on the Web: www.ourcommonground.com Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OCGTALKRADIO On Twitter: @JaniceOCG Email: OCGinfo@ourcommonground.com Join us on TruthWorks Networks TWN Facebook     Twitter @TWNtalk "If America Fails?: The Coming Tyranny"  An 11-Week Series Discussion Forums into the looking glass of "The Handmaid's Tale"  Th