Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

How Creativity Rules the World



Maria Brito started her career as an attorney. She grew up in a household that believed the best way to make money was to become a professional. Once she graduated and started working in law, she realized she couldn’t do that work.  She hated every single minute that she spent at the law firm. The final straw came when she had her first child and the thought of going back devastated her.  When she was a kid she was always writing plays and creating exciting new worlds. Maria wanted to be involved in the arts somehow. She started following the art world and figured out exactly what she wanted to do.  Now Maria helps art collectors procure special pieces and consults on how to create art catalogs and more.  Every single time she has made gains in her business or found that something was working, it was when she was leaning into her creativity. Without creativity, progress stops.  Listen as Maria shares her story and why she’s so passionate about helping others find and use their own creativity. Show Notes: [02