Safety Third

Shattering Limitations



In her early twenties, ultra marathon runner Melissa Ossanna began to get dizzy spells and experienced what she describes as temporary brain skips. She dealt with these symptoms for more than four years before, at the age of 28, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. While it was a relief to finally know what was happening, the MS diagnosis made Melissa feel trapped, as did her abusive marriage. With help, Melissa found the strength to leave her marriage and to fight her disease. And her outlook on her life changed. “The MS was a gift because it gave me something to fight for. And it gave me this strength and determination that I didn't really have before.” Melissa earned her PhD and trained for her first marathon, which turned into a full-blown love affair with running. Now at the age of 50, Melissa runs thousands of miles a year. Because if your outlook is right, limitations don’t exist. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit