Leadership Moment | Foundational Missions

Awareness, Faith and Flexibility: Influence Through Music - Part 3 - LM0231



It can be difficult to know how to minister effectively in today's world. The landscape of ministry is constantly changing, and it can be hard to keep up with the latest trends. Listen as Davi Almeida shares his experience and how both faith and flexibility are essential in order to minister effectively in today's world. ➡️ https://leadersmoment.org/231sn (Read the blog post) ➡️ https://leadersmoment.org/231snt (One click tweet) ➡️ https://leadersmoment.org/231snf (One click Facebook share) KEY TAKEAWAYS:Why Minueto is not specifically a Christian school The biblical definition of prospering Winning over suspicion LINKS & RESOURCES:http://minueto.com/ (Minueto.com)  https://www.facebook.com/minuetoburitis/?fref=ts (Facebook.com/minuetoburitis)  https://www.instagram.com/minuetoburitis/ (Instagram.com/minuetoburitis) https://www.cczs.org.br/ (CCZS.org.br)  https://www.facebook.com/cczsbh/ (Facebook.com/cczsbh) ABOUT DAVI ALMEIDADavi Almeida is a praise and worship leader at https://ww