
Episode 194: Fleetwood Mac



This time in Strangerville, Meg is going to Alphacon!!! Eli spent a few days with a stranger in Bosnia. A woman recounts an experience watching a recording of Fleetwood Mac as a child. And we want Blockbuster to come back. Story Fleetwood Mac, by Jordan Townsend Production by Eli McCann & Meg Walter Join our Patreon for bonus episodes and content. Fleetwood Mac By Jordan Townsend No one told me how awful love was. My parents never really explained that it could paralyze you. Nazareth told me Love Hurts, J. Giels Band tried to warn me that Love Stinks, but I ignored all of the signs and had to figure it out on my own, the hard way. I was fortunate enough to have a slight glimpse at the fact when I was forced to view a recording of Fleetwood Mac’s reunion concert, formally titled The Dance, when I was ten. My mom, Marian, had this thing with recording any concert on television she could, and then routinely play them on weekend mornings when she cleaned the house. I knew all of the ly