

I'm Georgiana, founder of My mission is to help YOU to speak English fluently and confidently. In today's episode: I'll talk about how Americans celebrate Christmas and how I used to enjoy Christmas time when I was a kid. Later, you'll practice vocabulary, and above all, you'll improve your spoken English with a funny question and answer story. Awesome! Let's get started! Multi-Cultural Christmas In the United States, every 25th of December people celebrate Christmas in many unique ways because of its multi-cultural nature. The modern, commercialized Christmas began to emerge in the 19th century with the new custom of buying gifts for children.  Many of the Christmas holiday activities differ from family to family. It often depends on the cultural heritage of the family members. Some of the customs are like ones in the UK, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Poland, and Mexico.  A typical celebration of Christmas Day in America combines Irish, Austrian, Polish and Belgian traditions. Despi