Park Leaders Show : Park Ranger | National Park | State Park | Leadership

What to Look for When You Visit a Park



On this episode of the Park Leaders Show, guest co-host, Phil Gaines, returns on-site at Zion National Park to discuss the complexities of maintaining large-scale state parks. From capacity management to resource protection, encouraging tourism and preservation in tandem can be a difficult task. Sprinkle in today’s social issues and the recipe for park leadership can get tricky in a hurry; however, as Phil charges, as long as rangers are committed to perceiving their parks through the eyes of a visitor, they’ll in term become better managers of the experiences they promote. While infrastructures are essential, these cannot be improved long-term with park leaders dedicated to adding value to local communities. Accordingly, Phil recommends rangers not only engage visitors as they enter but ignite a sense of wonder as they participate. Resources: Facebook -