This Sacred Life With Shann Vander Leek | Soulful Living | Feminine Sovereignty | Wisdom Teachings

Nutritional support for your optimum health with Tamar Samuels



Today I have the pleasure of speaking with Registered Dietician Nutritionist, Tamar Samuels. Tamar’s unique and holistic approach to healthcare integrates functional medicine, positive psychology, and behavioral change techniques pulled from her training in clinical nutrition and coaching science. Tamar has her Masters in Clinical Nutrition from New York University and is a National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach She is also the co-founder of Culina Health. "I think nutrition can be intimidating and confusing for people. It's multifaceted and isn't just about food for people. It's about culture, shared experiences, coping, celebrating, creativity, and health. Ultimately, I keep all of these things in mind when talking to clients about food. My message always goes back to science-based education, providing easy and sustainable tools for making positive changes, and making nutrition and wellness relatable to everyone." - Tamar Samuels,   Points covered in this episode: Coventina - Pur