Shop Talk Live - Fine Woodworking

STL259: Do homemade bandsaws make financial sense? (no)



Rollie Johnson answers a batch of listener questions about dust collectors, homemade bandsaws, tool steel, cutter speed, power feeders, classic furniture drawings, machine restoration, and drying lumber. This episode is sponsored by Mortise and Tenon Magazine - 0:00 - Intro 3:17 - One stage vs. two stage dust collectors 11:59 - Should I make a bandsaw or buy one? 18:55 - Why aren't chisels and planes made of high-speed steel? 22:37 - How does speed affect cut quality? 29:32 - Uses for a power feeder 37:20 - What to do with all these machines? 45:16 - Furniture drawings 50:33 - Using a greenhouse as a lumber kiln Links from this episode can be found here - Sign up for the Fine Woodworking weekly eLetter - Sign up for a Fine Woodworking Unlimited membership - Every two weeks, a team of Fine Woodworking staffers answers questions from readers on Shop Talk Live, Fin