Savvy Painter Podcast With Antrese Wood

If You’re a Good Enough Artist... - EP 262



Do you like your art or yourself as an artist? Do you believe you're good enough? I think too many creators would answer those questions NO. Despite a mountain of evidence to the contrary! On this episode, I’m going to tackle why it can be such a struggle to feel good about our art and how we can change our mindset and embrace our potential.   Outline of This Episode [0:34] Exploring the artist’s mental struggle [8:10] Identifying negative thought patterns  [15:10] Dealing with imposter syndrome and creative anxiety  [18:38] Going to the source and getting to know your mind  [20:04] Why perfection is overrated  [24:21] The most important thing we create as artists   Whatever you believe gets multiplied I often hear people say that If they can only finish the painting or sell enough pieces, THEN they’ll feel accomplished, validated, or credible as an artist. These things represent a desire to feel good enough as an artist. Even if there are aspects of your art-making that can improve, achieving those things