2 Knit Lit Chicks

Episode 241: She's One of Those People



Recorded on Thursday, February 3, 2022  Book Talk starts at 24:50 Mini Skein KAL!  Yes, we have started our 2 Knit Lit Chicks Mini Skein KAL.  You can get all the details here! Mini Skein Finished Object thread here. Browse our Mini Skein Pattern Bundle here. Most of all...have fun! Virtual get-together via Zoom on Saturdays, 12 noon  PST - Details here. 12 in 22 - Unofficial KAL/challenge to knit 12 (or however many you want) sweaters in 2022. Details here! The 2022 2KLC Swap is on!  Go to swap thread for all the info and to join (follow link to the sign up form AND post your answers to the questionnaire in the thread).  Sign ups close on February 10th.   Upcoming events:  March 3-6, 2022 - We will both be attending Stitches West in Sacramento, CA. April 7-10, 2022 - Tracie will be attending the Northern California Knitting Retreat in San Juan Bautista, CA KNITTING Barb has finished: Delicious Simplicity hat by Knitsalotte using mystery bulky yarn found in stash Tracie has finished: Anker’s Swea