The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

126-Feel Don’t Fight: Solving the Overeating Problem



Solving the overeating problem comes down to one thing and one thing only: Feeling. Feeling the emotions that are present in us and resisting the urge to fight the emotions. I know it seems too simple to be true..., but it is... In this episode I discuss  The real reason why we binge, overeat and crave What is the real solution to overeating The key element behind your solution to overeating What creates the spark of transformation with our food behaviors How the "feel don't fight" method make emotions go away The 4-step process on how to recognize the sensations and get acquainted with your body to finally eliminate craving, binging and overeating Last episode , I had a live coaching session with Karen and we find a solution for her question, "How do I handle people who seem to purposely sabotage me?" I highly recommend you listen in because this can also be the solution to your problem with dealing with people around you who don't seem to understand what you're working on and seem to sabotage your effort