The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

129-Your Brain & Eating: The Aftermath of Food Insecurity with Dr. Kari Anderson



Food insecurity is the state of being without reliable access to food not just lack of quantity but also of choices and nutrition. It doesn’t have to be real... the simple thought of deprivation can set a chain reaction in your brain that will drive cravings, binging or overeating. Dr. Kari Anderson is taking us through step by step how this happens into our mind and provide one of the most efficient solutions to not only prevent but heal food insecurities. In this episode I discuss  Brain & Eating: The neurological and biological reasons why we turn to binge eating Food Insecurity and how it affects our relationship with food How we can solve overeating and binging by Mindful Eating The best source of motivation for a lasting sense of accomplishment What is Body Neutrality and how it will make a positive impact on your personal goals Last episode is a live coaching session with Dana, a high performing lady in most areas of her life, but food and body. That area of her life is filled with ups and downs