The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

144-The Mindset Shift of Successful Women



What is the ONE mindset shift we must do to change our relationship to food? I asked industry leaders, women who have successfully changed how they relate to food, what they did. It's simple yet so powerful tips and advice from women like you. Most of the time "life-changing experiences" are generated by mindset changes not from food. The challenge is that we are being taught by weight loss and diet industry that changes will come from food and exercise. The truth is: IT'S NOT the case. That's why we struggle. I want you to end the struggle, stop feeling frustrated with your body, and no more anxiety. Can you do that? Change your mindset. So, let the ladies inspire you... and also I'll share mine! Enjoy! Visit for complete show notes of every podcast episode In this episode I discuss  The real key driver of your food behavior What industry leaders say to be successful in changing how to relate to food What the weight loss and diet industry is really teaching