The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

209-Intuitive Eating for Hormonal Health



Intuitive Eating and Hormonal Health Women love intuitive eating as a concept but often will refute it based on other advice they receive, found or read on the internet. One of the most frequent situations I encounter is with hormonal health. Women wanting to balance their hormones, perhaps heal their hormones, are being told that to achieve such goal they must restrict certain food, go on a reset hormonal diet or do an elimination diet; therefore they can’t be an intuitive eater. “I love intuitive eating but I’m working on balancing my hormones and I read Dr. XXXX book and she says that I must restrict all grains and dairy. Maybe later I can become an intuitive eater.” Is this true? Is food restriction the solution to hormonal health? I’m not a hormone specialist, but I’m a health expert and knowledgeable enough to know that this statement isn’t totally true. Is food a contributing factor to health: YES. Is food the only way to “balance hormone”? NO. Is hormonal balance even a possibility? Well yes and no.