The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

212-“… but I need to lose weight!” A Conversation with Aaron Flores RD - The Weight Loss Series Part 1



Me: “... but I need to lose weight”. Her: “Ok... I can see how you can think that.” Me: “Everything you are sharing with me makes so much sense and I can feel it inside of me, that it’s what I need [pause & sigh] … but I need to lose weight”. The tears started to roll off my cheeks. Uncontrollably crying. The tears were coming from the depth of my gut. It was one of those moments when you want to stop crying because you really don’t want to cry in front of strangers but you can’t... it’s not in your control. Her: “Stephanie, your desires to lose weight are valid. It’s normal that you want to lose weight. These desires are encouraged every day by the society in which we live in, an environment that is laden with weight stigma, body size discrimination, and fatphobia. It makes perfect sense that you want to lose weight.” I was deeply confused.  Life is on hold until I lose weight I was 38 years old and the last 25 years of my personal life had been a series pressing “pause” and “play”. I only allowed myself