The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

216-Everything the BMI Gets Wrong with Alissa Rumsey RD - The Weight Loss Series Part 3



In today's episode, we'll talk about everything the BMI gets wrong Are you "overweight"? Am I "overweight"? That single question creates more anxiety & stress to women than any other question. Being overweight implies that there’s a weight we should be at. In today's society, THAT weight is determined by BMI. The Body Mass Index, the metric that uses to classify people in groups. Moreover, it’s the measure of "obesity" as per medical view and a simple calculation of 2 factors: weight and height. To convert the measurement to the unit of BMI in kg/m2, you must divide the weight in pounds by the height in inches squared, then multiply by 703. My BMI Story For the purpose of this article, I did my BMI calculation using the official CDC BMI calculator. If you are between 18-24.9 you are deemed normal, 25-29.9 "overweight" and 30 or above "overweight". I bet you’re curious to know my result? 39. I’m considered a class 2 "obese". As a matter of fact, for the longest, I can remember I was never not considered “