The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

217-5 Steps to Get Unstuck with Shawn Mynar



In today's episode, we'll talk about how to get unstuck Do you feel stuck? You desperately want to change an aspect of your life but you just can’t get yourself to take the leap. Is the solution to get unstuck and move towards your goal simply to be harder on yourself? I know I think about that before. If only I could be tougher and have more discipline, I could reach my goals. For that reason, I fantasized on that day when it would finally click... and I would get unstuck. Am I alone? Our guest on today’s episode of the podcast says the solution is within our mind. That is to say, if we change our minds, our life will follow. Her solution: Ditch your negative mindset, squash those limiting beliefs, and quiet the constant chatter in your head so you can finally live the life you desire, spark the change you want to see and feel better than you ever dreamed possible. That sounds familiar, right? In fact, it’s so in line with the Going Beyond The Food method and there’s a good reason for that. My guest today i