The Beyond The Food Show |empowering|educating|women|health|mind Body Connection

PRO Series: The Business of Intuitive Eating - S1 EP2



In today’s episode, we are going to explain what an intuitive eating business is really about. Starting an intuitive eating business can be overwhelming and scary. Even those that have a regular health practice to transition to a non-diet model can be frightening. We will reveal what steps you should take to create a heart-centered intuitive eating business that will be successful. In this episode, we will cover: What is the business of intuitive eating? What is an Intuitive Eating Coach? Serving versus Selling non-diet model of business. Who do we serve in an intuitive eating business The first step to start an intuitive eating business Why Non-Diet Business coaching is different What is a Non-Diet Mentorship program? Links mentioned on the episode Mentorship Program Intuitive Eating Intake forms PRO Series – Free Training & resources PRO podcast series – Full listing