The Livin' La Vida Low-carb Show With Jimmy Moore

1793: Frank Llosa Creates Ethanol-Free Hard Ketones For A Fat-Burning Buzz



Join Jimmy today as he welcomes Frank Llosa as they talk about ethanol-free hard ketones. “People are looking for healthier alternatives and these have zero carbs.” - Frank Llosa   In this episode, Jimmy does something he’s never done before in the more than decade and a half history of hosting his podcast–he got drunk on camera while doing an interview! Yep, you can blame the creator of a product called R 1,3 known as Hard Ketones named Frank Llosa for this as Jimmy took up his challenge to try the world’s first ketogenic and ethanol-free alcoholic beverage–and it’s redefining what alcohol can be. As you will see and hear in this interview where Jimmy tries the R 1,3 for the very first time, there was a decided buzz that happened in the midst of the recording. Watch this episode to learn more about ketone esters, the accidental way Frank found out about the inebriating effects of R 1,3, and why this is a healthier alternative to drinking ethanol while creating fat-burning in the body. This is one of the mor