Kitty Talks

The Year of Collective Reckoning; what have we been through and what does it mean?



2022 ENERGY FORECAST HOW TO MAKE THE BEST OUT OF THIS POWERFUL YEAR! Wiseman is a Visionary Spiritual Teacher and the award-winning author of numerous books. The founder of Intuition University, she’s taught thousands of students worldwide via her courses and training. 2022 is the year of collective reckoning; what have we been through and what does it mean?What other ways can we do things?Begin practicing your own connection and get connected to your own guidance. Trust divine timing, as we’re always being divinely prepared and orchestrated!How can we contribute and be of service?Waking up requires change, it requires looking at things that maybe we don’t want to look at, such as the inner healing required to take us to the next step.The more we develop and plug into our guidance, the more we find and achieve our purpose!Here’s what you’ll learn in this podcast: