

Leanne will help YOU to Stop Bitchin' and do something! Here she is in her own words.. I’m a world traveler, a dedicated researcher and ‘Mad Scientist’, a corny jokester, a wannabee Neuroscientist, Hoolah Hooper and Paddleboarder in-the-making, an awesome singer that plays LOUSY guitar. I used to have a FAT HEAD that sat on top of an overweight body that took me on a journey that turned me into one badass BITCH Detector…and I believe that you can be one too. ​Part mad scientist, a coach, a speaker, and a storyteller, I’m on a mission to show people how to identify where they have negative self-talking inner conversations calling the shots….and how to Ditch them. Truth be told, I created Ditch the Bitch as a way to deal with my own personal “meanies” that kept me extremely overweight and lacking confidence and self-esteem for a large portion of my life. Whether they were talking me in or out of things I really wanted, keeping me from finishing what I started, or simply stealing my smiles, I got to the point wh