

Ryan Magin is a Lifestyle Entreprenuer, he sends emails talking about what he is up to and gets paid.  Through his own journey he passes on his advice on lifestyle, dating, dating and boosting testosterone for men. In his own words, this is his last year...  At the weight of 240 lbs my business was in ruins. I felt like shit all the time and had no energy.  At the weight of 225 lbs I was in the process of completely reinventing my business and it was at a loss for what I even wanted to do with my life. I had no clarity and no vision for what I wanted to do. At the weight of 205 lbs I split up with my girlfriend of 2 years.  I knew I was in a dark place and instead of drowning myself in vodka I sought out help from my longtime friend Elliott Hulse. He introduced me to a crazy form of therapy called Bio Energetics. I am not gonna get into what we do during our sessions but the shit really works. Since starting to do Bio Energetics I have changed as a person. Not only am I at the lightest and in the best shape e