

Kevin Nations is the world’s premier authority on Creating and Communicating your own Value to your marketplace. His Big Ticket Blueprint program is the turning point in the careers of MANY MANY coaches, consultants, trainers and other info marketers / experts. As client Mari Smith puts it “I look at my career as BK and AK (Before Kevin and After Kevin)”. Kevin began a career in sales immediately upon leaving the Navy Submarine Service. Within a few short years he grew his personal sales to more than $100 million a year and his personal W-2 income eclipsed the $100k monthly income barrier. Soon after, he founded a startup with a former co-worker and grew it to 130 employees within 14 months totally operating out of cash flow (no debt!).After selling that incredible business, he discovered Internet Marketing and sold out his first live seminar at $5,997 per seat within 90 days of entering the business. Now, he’s the man behind the scenes of numerous Big Ticket seminar promoters and coaches/consultants where h