

Chris Farrell is one of the most respected and successful internet marketers in the industry today. Chris began online in 2008. And he came from having no previous experience. Within 6 months – he was having many $250/days. Within 9 months he had his first $1000/days.  In August 2010 – Chris made over $1million in sales…in 24 hours – with Affiliate Dot Com. Chris is most proud – of Chris Farrell Membership. CFM is truly for those who want to learn how to make money on the internet and who are not afraid to put in some time to learn.  Chris Farrell Membership is the highest rated service and overwhelmingly loved product online – for people looking to get started in internet marketing and who need a helping hand. Over 23,000 members have already gone through the training here at CFM. Originally from London, England – Chris, 43, now lives in Beverly Hills, California, with his wife and their four dogs. Number five is on the way. Dog that is, not wife.