

Jameson Brandon is a serial entrepreneur, athlete and lifestyle design hacker.  Jameson has worked with industry leaders in both the Online Marketing & Investment space. Jameson advises and coaches entrepreneurs and start ups on improving performance by hacking Body, Business & Brain.  He is 28 years old. He has written several articles on 'Productivity' that have been featured in the Huffington Post.  Jameson creates simple software tools that have helped over 13,000 marketers & business owners with their marketing message. He is considered a Facebook Marketing expert whose digital courses have been purchased from over 10,000 entrepreneurs. In his own words... “It was important to me to go out and build my own framework for the life I wanted to live!  I am a lifestyle entrepreneur who is on a mission to help create tools that will increase productivity for solo entrepreneurs and business’s. I am on a mission to help others ready to make a positive change in their lives and the lives of others in