Savvy Painter Podcast With Antrese Wood

Yes, You Can Create Flow On Purpose - EP 261



Have you ever found yourself in a flow state while creating? A place where distractions don’t exist and all of your creativity is available to you. Is it something you struggle to duplicate with consistency? On this episode, I’m going to define what a flow state is, how we experience it, why it matters to our practice, and how to create it on purpose.  Outline of This Episode [0:38] What is flow? [3:31] Why and how we experience flow states as artists [12:21] Connecting the dots between flow and confidence [13:33] Why flow matters in your practice [19:15] Creating flow on purpose Going with the flow Ok, so what is flow? We hear fellow artists talking about it all the time like it’s a mystical force that shows up to our studio on a whim, but is it really like magic? While it certainly can feel that way, it’s actually far more practical. Childhood is often filled with flow states. I remember getting lost for hours drawing, playing, and figuring out puzzles. I was completely engrossed in whatever I was doing t