Connie Pheiff Show

How to Achieve Quantum Growth in Your Business



He’s a visionary and business leader by passion and profession, and an internationally recognized thought leader, best-selling author, and high-performance business strategist specializing in execution. James Jacobi is helping entrepreneurs avoid the mistakes and increase the must-haves to scale business to last. You can connect with James Jacobi everywhere on your favorite social platform. When we touch a heart we change a lifeWhen we change a life we become unstoppable Together! YOU are the BRAND She was cleaning houses before filling houses, your host Connie Pheiff is a Philanthropist, Social Venture Entrepreneur, and #BeyondMeToo Activist is the Jewel in the Crown of the Pheiff Group, Inc. With her distinctive voice audiences everywhere know her. She is blessed from her work as a corporate CEO, award-winning speaker, Podcaster, Mentor, Coach and author. She is provocative, edgy, and brings a genuine humor to the platform.  Connie is best known as the Unstoppable DIVA, former executive turned Media Industr