Connie Pheiff Show

Mixed Reality



Dijam Panigrahi shares the new reality allowing manufacturers and industrial designers the ability to conduct real-time 3D visualization and CAD for design with faster cycles; where professionals have the ability to work at drastically higher levels. You can connect with @ Dijam Panigrahi and @GridRaster everywhere on your favorite social platform. YOU are the BRAND Working with the Everyman who are crazy enough to believe they can change the world.  Connie Pheiff, is an American award-winning speaker, new thought mentor, author, and radio personality. She is provocative, edgy, and brings a genuine humor to the platform. Philanthropist, Social Venture Entrepreneur, and #BeyondMeToo Activist is the Jewel in the Crown of the Pheiff Group, Inc. With her distinctive voice she is known by audiences everywhere.  She is best known as the Unstoppable DIVA. Former Corporate Executive tuned Media Industrialist. Since founding the Pheiff Group, Inc. in 2007, she has become a Social Venture Entrepreneur, producer and hos