Seattle Unity Church

Sunday Service Podcast March 29th – Invitation to Descent



“I think first we have to take a step back and acknowledge that there is a collective grief that is circling the planet right now.” Today, Rev. Karen explores our collective grief, referencing work from founder of David Kessler, as well as astrologist Laurence Hillman.  Grief can be an invitation to explore the dark places within, and sometimes this invitation cannot easily be refused. Now that we are under a statewide stay-at-home order, Rev. Karen is giving her talk as a Facebook livestream.  If you're not already on Facbeook, now is the perfect time to join up, even if only temporarily, and you can watch these livestreams here. Want to join us for a midweek Zoom call?  Email and we'll set you up. It's a great way to chat with other church members, and get a mid-week talk from Rev. Karen, including exercises and discussion. And as always, see our Facebook  page or our Instagram for more, including quotes from our lesson notes, readings, and more upcoming events. Want to