Seattle Unity Church

Sunday Service Podcast May 3rd – Mayday



"This quarantine has given us the opportunity to step back from our lives in a way that we never could have done before... to ask ourselves: is it possible to begin to think differently?" Continuing our stay-at-home time, Rev. Karen uses two meanings of "Mayday", the pagan springtime dance as well as the nautical distress term, for inspiration about how we can navigate our lives during this continued coronavirus period. Karen's talk beings at 13:30. Music comes from our own Worship Arts team members, including Erin McGaughan, with congregants Brian and Stephanie Emery, Chris Sullivan, Alexandrea Davis, Keia del Rosario, Jennifer Bolles, and house percussionist Jesse Whitford (with a meditation on vibraphone). Share this pod, or the video of this service, with others who may need a little spiritual support right now. Check out all the ways we can stay connected during this amazing time.  And as always, see our Facebook  page or our Instagram for more, including quotes from our lesson notes, readings, and