Seattle Unity Church

Sunday Service Podcast June 7th



"So we are at a crossroads, and we can try to keep the status quo or we can move forward with tremendous change and transformation." Rev. Karen Lindvig speaks to the protests and unrest over the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmad Arbery and so many others.  How do we take action that creates long term systemic changes?   How do we face our shadow?  How do we move - truly - forward? Karen's talk begins at 18:30. Worship Arts material comes from guest blues guitarist Jeff Fielder.  Go here for the full service video. Youth & Families Director Heidi Nathe gives a the Y&F update, and Diane Robertson gives the meditation. Take advantage of all the ways we can stay connected during this time, including after-service fellowship and Wednesday evening Zoom services.  And as always, see our Facebook  page or our Instagram for more, including quotes from our lesson notes, readings, and more.. Want to get regular updates? Stay updated with our most recent newsletter here.