Seattle Unity Church

Sunday Service Podcast June 14th



"COVID-19 knows no boundary of country, it knows no boundary of race or culture or religion... apparently knows no boundary of age... of language. COVID-19 demonstates exceptionally clearly how incredibly interconnected we all are, and calls us to a kind of mutual support, should we wish to survive, as humankind on this planet." Today’s talk from our long-time friend Rabbi Ted Falcon was recorded several weeks ago, but we pre-empted it last week so that Rev. Karen could speak to the issue of the current protests.  However, his spiritual message remains fresh and relevant. Ted's talk begins at 12:05. Worship Arts material comes from our Seattle Unity Worship Arts Team.  Go here for the full service video, including a slide show of pictures from BLM protests around the world. Take advantage of all the ways we can stay connected during this time, including after-service fellowship and Wednesday evening Zoom services.  And as always, see our Facebook  page or our Instagram for more, including quotes from our