Seattle Unity Church

Sunday Service Podcast September 6th – Release & Forgive



"We take our stuff, we throw it on our back, and then we walk into the next situation, we take down our stuff and we plunk it right into our new situation.  We bring our stuff from the past... and put it right down into our future." Associate minister Diane Robertson welcomes her ministerial school classmate, guest speaker Thomas deSchutter.  Thomas comes to us from Nanaimo, British Columbia. He and his wife run a thriving, values-based financial services company, while Thomas also studies for the ministry. In this guest talk, Thomas hones in on the power of Release to help us welcome in the best possible future. The talk (with Associate Minister Diane Robertson's introduction) begins at 18:20. Music comes from West Seattle singer/songwriter, and home studio whiz, Justin Lacey.  Go here for the full service video. Take advantage of all the ways we can stay connected during this time, including after-service fellowship and Wednesday evening Zoom services.  And as always, see our Facebook  page or our Insta