Per Service Podcast

How to Make Friends at Your Gig (PSP 10)



Making friendships with colleagues can be quite the challenge. There are a lot of potentially awkward dynamics to navigate, and managing your social avatars has only made things more difficult. But despite the challenges, having friendships at your gigs makes "going to work" a much more enjoyable, inspiring, and pleasant place to be. In addition to the personal reasons, friendships are essential for getting more work. Musicians are more likely to send a gig to, or recommend someone they like and trust, than to somebody who may be a great player, but a jerk. The problem is: Musicians are not that good at making friends. Let's be real here. We're good at spending prolonged periods of time in very small rooms, often looking into a mirror and listening to recordings of ourselves. On top of that, most gigs are not good social gathering places. You only a few minutes beforehand to warm up, 15 minutes at the break to go to the restroom, get some water, turn in some paperwork, and as soon as it's over, everybody rac