Reality Check With Craig Price

Episode 222 – Maximiliano Hernandez and Christina Wren



Maximiliano Hernandez (@maxitois4real on twitter) and Christina Wren (@ChristinaSWren on twitter) join host Craig Price to discuss their roles in superhero movies. It's a crossover episode! Craig's latest podcast project Matinee Heroes spotlighted the movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier and included half of the interview from Marvelous Nerd Year's Eve with Max (they're close enough pals to use shorter names) but Christina also was dishing out wisdom too. So why waste such good stuff? Craig wouldn't, of course. So here is their interview in its entirety.  The three have a great discussion on how Marvel's (Max appeared in Thor, Avengers and other Marvel projects) process compares to DC's (Christina appeared in Man of Steel and Batman v. Superman), how they found out they were going to be in these huge blockbuster movies and what it's like meeting Robert Redford.  They also take questions from the audience as well. Be sure to check out Matinee Heroes each week! What is Matinee Heroes? It is a podcast ded