Physiochains Education

Ann Heizer talks: The LeverAge Method (TM) and The Heizer Maneuver



With over 34 years of experience as a group fitness and personal training expert, Ann merges her passion for teaching older adults and athletes alike, combining balance, strength, flexibility, cardiovascular exercise, and brain fitness to the routines she teaches. In addition to training, Ann has been working with groups of senior citizens to further develop her chair-based program, Grounded XTTM Cross Training the Nooks and Crannies, since 2004 and is excited to share what she continues to learn. Her latest Method ~ LeverAgeTM, combines standing, balance, agility, strength and flexibility in a tiny space and incorporates ‘The Heizer Maneuver’ teaching people how to get down to the floor and up again with ease and grace. Celebrating the big 60th birthday (4.30) with the release of her first e-book on Amazon! Get it here: What can learning the LeverAge Method do for you? • Discover your unique "Muscle Memory Bank" • Learn how to tap into these