Vancouver Real

#104: Casey Miller | Leadership & Inspiration



Casey Miller is the founder of 6 1/2 Consulting which is a leadership development firm that helps organizations become better leaders which facilitates greater engagement and inspiring cultures among employees. He goes deep into the psychographics of what people require to feel fulfilled in their work for the modern times we live. It's no longer about just bringing home a pay cheque, people need to know 'WHY' their company exists and 'HOW' they are creating a difference for the better in this world. In western culture it could be argued that some of the greatest innovations seem to come from the business' that operate within it. Generating the ideas and technologies that are ultimately leading how our society and culture operates (for better or worse) and it is with this in mind that we are all faced as people who run business' or who work in them to be assessing how we may be contributing to the future we choose to live in and pass on to the next generation. It is fro