I Am: A Course In Miracles (acim)

08/05/12: Keys to LOVE Realization, IamACIM.com



MORE UPDATED PROGRAMS 2016 @ www.OpenandClear.com ----- Conscious Spirit-Coaching, A Shamanic Service inducing undeniable first-hand multidimensional experiences including non-duality. ------ - - Please send us any questions or comments to; OpenacnClear@GMail.com - - The New Series of a ITune hit, Now with fun feminine energy. A show that covers our adventures with spirit. Topics include relationship following our inner guidance and much laughter. A course in miracles is used predominately as the source of inspiration for the show and our lives. A course in miracles is a book that goes beyond normal new age spirituality . It involves deep mind training that changes the way we look at the world . Other teachers of the course are Regina Dawn Akers. Marianne Williamson. Earl raj Purdy lisa Natoli. Wayne Dyer, David Hoffmiester to name a few. - - "A Course in Miracles" is a Spiritual Path to Enlightenment which leads to awakening. "ACIM" is done at your own time, where ever you are. Enlightenment