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Facing Fear as a Gateway to Purpose and Possibility



"Will you step into purpose and connection and expression, or leave them for dead?"There's nothing quite like getting up on stage in front of a crowd to share something creative you made.It's terrifying for most (if not all) of us.But sometimes we feel compelled to do it because we know that facing THAT fear will open the door to purpose and potential.On today's GLP Riff episode, I share the story of one of our GLP Immersion members, Barry Solway, how he literally and figuratively faced his fear of being a writer on stage at Camp GLP last year. And how the incredible GLP community rallied around him to help turn his poem into a published illustrated children's book in a matter of weeks.This story is about more than facing fears however. It's about making the choice to either stay in your comfort zone, locked down by self-imposed stories, or to step outside of that and shine the light onto what you are capable of.Here's an excerpt from the blog post where I tell Barry's story:I love Barry’s story.Not just beca