Emc2 Aim Program Of Energetic Balancing

EPISODE534 - EMC2 AIM Program of Energetic Balancing



All discussions of energetic imbalances reference certain frequencies an imbalance may be similar to. A frequency is NOT the actual disease; Newly revealed Hereditary imbalances added to the AIM database; Good example of all the extra info about frequencies you get on these shows is what Roberta had to say about one of the frequency components of 9522. You'll have to listen to the recording, but I'm hoping I have this imbalance!; Fascinating information regarding homeopathy, Roberta's training and how amazed many homeopathy professionals from all over the world were when they experienced the technology Roberta and Stephen worked with - even back in the 1980's; There is never just one frequency behind a given issue, be it of a physical nature or emotional nature. Reviewed some of the most frequently seen dominant unresolved etiological emotional imbalances associated with Hereditary imbalances, the "top 15"; AIM assists with awareness of all aspects of ourselves, and can help shorten the time within which we c