Emc2 Aim Program Of Energetic Balancing

EPISODE546 - EMC2 AIM Program of Energetic Balancing



Discussions of energetic imbalances may reference certain frequencies an imbalance may be similar to. A frequency is NOT the actual disease; Newly revealed imbalances added to the AIM database; We are reminded that things such as blood pressure, insulin levels, etc. can fluctuate for a variety of reasons, including the process of healing certain energetic imbalances; AIM offers specific "â??anti-aging"â?? frequencies, plus the very process of healing Hereditary imbalances decreases your biological age, the age at which you are functioning energetically, versus your chronological age (think forever 21!); Discussed a few very common frequency components and energetic orbs impacted. One example: Of the almost 1600 newly revealed Hereditary frequencies over the last 9 years, at least 40% were likely to have had impact in the energetic orb of the skin. Beyond that, any imbalance impacting the energetic orb of the kidneys is also likely to impact the orb of the skin. And beyond that, ANY imbalance can pretty much s