In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G

Emotional and Erotic Intelligence of Sex



“Am I enough?” is a social and sexual anxiety we ruminate about. Yet, how did we get to this place of having abandoned our unconditional self-acceptance? Deepak put it beautifully when he said that: “we are at war with our own bodies and it’s desires.” Eroticism is part of breaking free from our binary thinking: of true/false ideas. Erotic intelligence, similar to emotional intelligence, is the awareness of and accepting of your emotions, what brings you physical pleasure, what brings others physical pleasure, and the connection you experience with yourself and with others. Deepak shares how you can be present as a nonjudgemental observer: starting by reflecting and noticing what you’re drawn to in the world and what repels you. Listen, and you’ll hear that you are more than enough. . Connect with Deepak at and .  Questions you want to ask, options you want to sort through, or deciding on what you should do? Schedule time to chat with me: https://