The Land Of Israel Network

Israel Uncensored: Civil Administration Plans to Uproot Arugot Farms Vineyard



On today's Israel Uncensored with Josh Hasten, an interview with The Land of Israel Network's co-founder Jeremy Gimpel. Gimpel along with Land of Israel co-founder Ari Abramowitz are digging their heels in as Israel's Civil Administration has issued a directive stating that they are planning on destroying Jeremy and Ari's vineyards at the Arugot Farms. The pair have been working tirelessly on their crops for over five years and have invested hundreds of thousands of shekels into them, yet for reasons unknown, they were informed that on Tuesday January 11, troops would be sent to the site to uproot their work. Listen to this week's show to hear how you can help support Jeremy and Ari leading up to the potential destruction of their crops. UPDATE - After the interview was recorded, the Civil Administration delayed the uprooting of the vineyard. They didn't cancel their decision, but delayed it. Jeremy and Ari fear that the uprooting can take place at any time.