To The Batpoles! Batman 1966

#175 Harlan Ellison’s "Two-Face"



More than one attempt was made to include Two-Face among the villains of Batman ’66. We’ve already discussed Peter Rabe’s attempt; this time, we discuss a treatment by science fiction legend Harlan Ellison, The Two-Way Crimes of Two-Face. Why didn’t it go to a full script? What would have needed to be changed to fit the rules of the Batman ’66 world? How well does the 2014 comics adaptation, Batman ’66: The Lost Episode, capture both Ellison’s idea and the tone of the show? We touched on these issues in Deconstructing Comics 463 back in 2015, but this time we dig deeper! ALSO: The Iscamania version of the Batman theme, and your response to episode 172 on Mr. Zero! Den of Geek on the Ellison Batman treatment Dozier memo to Semple about meeting in Spain Unproduced first-draft script “Marsha, THE Queen of Diamonds,” by Tom Cannan, Jr, and Jack Cash