Bede There, Done That

Episode 10: The Bombing of Nagasaki & Catholics of Urakami



Episode 10: The Bombing of Nagasaki & the Catholics of Urakami Brief Chronology: 1549 - St. Francis Xavier arrives in Japan; Nagasaki eventually becomes heartland of Japanese Christianity 1587 - Persecution of Japanese Christians begins. 1865 - Hidden Christians reveal themselves at Nagasaki and are promptly persecuted. 1925 - Original Immaculate Conception Cathedral finished in Urakami 1930 - 1936 - St. Maximilian Kolbe in Nagasaki 1933 - Japanese takeover of Manchuria 1934 - Conversion of Takashi Nagai after living with Moriyama family, descendants of leaders of the Hidden Christians of Nagasaki 1937 - Beginning of Sino-Japanese War 1941 - Aug. 14 - St. Maximilan Kolbe dies at Auschwitz; Dec. 7 - Japanese attack on Pear Harbor leading to U.S. entry into WWII 1945 - Night of March 9-10: Firebombing of Tokyo, killing approx. 80 to 100,000 - May 8 - Germany surrenders - Aug. 6: First atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, killing approx. 70,000 - Aug. 9, 11:02 AM: Second atomic bomb dropped on Urakami