Sweating The Small Stuff

056 - Jessica Abel: Growing Your Creative Gills



We are all creators, but sometimes life gets in the way of our creative goals. Fortunately this week we get a little help from the ever talented Jessica Able. For those of you who don't know, Jessica is the mastermind behind Out On The Wire, Trish Trash: Roller Girl of Mars and most importantly for this week Growing Gills: How to Find Creative Focus When You’re Drowning in Your Daily Life. Join us for an exploration of her creative career, her insights into balancing life and creative pursuits, and her wisdom on why everyone's creative efforts matter. Links mentioned in the episode: One Goal to Rule Them All Creative Focus Workshop Her Website:Jessicaabel.com Enjoy the episode? Please consider supporting the show by sharing it with a friend or donating on Patreon. Donations help cut down on ads, create more insightful content, and signal that you value this show. Best of all, by donating you'll get access to even more content, including an extra pearl of wisdom from Jessica on how to prioritize what m