Tuck N Run

S1E8 - TNR Week 4 2020: Captain Rush vs Luke



Episode 1.8 of Tuck N Run 2020 Week 4 Recap Contestants: Luke "Lukers" [REDACTED] [REDACTED] "Captain Rush" [REDACTED] About Tuck N Run: Two players attempt to score more points than their opponent by moving the ball up and down an imaginary football field via correctly answering Football related questions. At the beginning of each game, a coin is flipped to determine who starts with the ball first at the Defense's 25 yard line. Each player has 4 downs to move the ball a minimum of 10 yards or possession of the ball goes to their opponent. Game consists of two 15 minute halves with a continuous clock until the final 2 minutes of each half wherein the clock only runs during the answer portion of each question. Players have a 40 second play clock to answer each question after it has been read. Either player may answer at any time during the play clock, whichever player answers correctly first determines the outcome of the play. An incorrect answer by both players results in a loss of downs Players may choose b