This Sacred Life With Shann Vander Leek | Soulful Living | Feminine Sovereignty | Wisdom Teachings

Aine ushers in 2022 inviting us to take a leap of faith



Happy New Year! This year I'm recording the monthly goddess card messages on the first of each month. If you subscribe to This Sacred Life, you’ll get each new episode automatically.  I will also continue to share potent and soulful conversations mid-month with women who walk in beauty. After two years in a row of drawing Coventina – Purification, I’m grateful that Aine’s (an-ya's) bold and adventurous energy is guiding us into 2022. Aine invites us to put our heart’s true desire into action by taking a leap of faith.    I will share oracle readings for a small energy exchange. If you want me to draw a card for you, please donate $3 or whatever you wish to contribute to me via PayPal by January 2nd at Noon Eastern. $10 love offerings receive full goddess card messages like the featured message below. $20 donations get a message for January and an oracle card for 2022. I will send a picture of your card(s) and message to the email address attached to your PayPal account within 48 hours. Enjoy this month’